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Why Subscribe?

Time is more valuable than money. From the beginning, the goal of this website was to save people huge amounts of time - hours and hours spent planning hikes, combing through different websites to gather information, translating Japanese, and searching for nice photos of the trail and landscape.

Efficient Information


We gather all the relevant information for our hike pages to provide you with one place that has nearly everything: An overview, trail description, access info, maps, links, weather details, & hike data.


Not Your Typical Blog


You won't waste time on long-winded blog pages filled with unnecessary keywords or meaningless top 10 lists. Our hiking pages are straight to the point.

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High Quality Photos


Hiking apps can be great, but the photos are usually a mess! Here, you don't need to search through pointless iPhone photos or images of someone's lunch. We only publish hikes if we're able to capture well composed images.

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No Ads, No Bias


Google ads are the biggest problem with the internet today. They look cheap, track your behaviour, and are riddled with clickbait and scams. They also ruin web design and your experience. I refuse to be part of that.


That's why this paywall exists, value exchange is more respectful than a website full of intrusive advertising.

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Continuous Improvement


With funding from subscriptions, I can afford to devote more time and resources to improving the site, adding better information, and more features. 


By subscribing, you're showing your appreciation, and also helping everyone else by providing the foundation for updates and improvements.

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Only $7


Craft beer = $7


Large coffee = $7


Unlimited Access = $7

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    Access to all our hiking pages
    Valid for 6 months
  • Unlimited Access - 1 Year

    Access to all our hiking pages
    Valid for one year
  • Unlimited Access - Lifetime Impact

    Your support makes a huge difference and grants you a Lifetime Membership

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